Asha’s MyMarathon Fundraiser

By Asha

My Diagnosis

In August 2014, at age 17, my life changed. After a routine appendectomy I suffered from Tachycardia that resulted in my heart stopping, fortunately I was in the right place and the Dr’s were able to save me. 

After numerous test I was diagnosed with Cardiomyopathy (non-compaction) and Mitral Valve Regurgitation, which it keep it simple is a form of Heart Failure. 

Since then my life has been filled with drs, medications, tests and more,  my heart cannot be fixed, one day I will need a new one. But for now, through the support of my dr’s and the Heart foundation I am able to do a lot of the things I love. I never would have thought that simple things such as diet and exercise (paired with various medications) could be what allows me to prolong my life before needing a transplant. 

I am now 23, planning my future; getting married, building a house, working through professional opportunities. Although I know the day will come, for now I am able to live my life thanks to the support of the Heart Foundation and my amazing medical teams. 

The heart foundation has such a important place in my heart as someone living with Heart Failure. I challenge you to help make a difference, make a donation and share this event with friends, family and co-workers and together we can change lives.

The more people that know about Heart Foundation, the greater their impact, so please also spread the word by sharing my page with your friends and family. Thank you in advance for your generosity, it means a lot!