Do it in December

By Bec Laurie

My Activity Tracking


My target 150 kms

Day 31

So the final push did not come without complication. My heart decided to give me some grief and bust out some serious chest pains for close to an hour late last night resulting in a trip to emergency. All is well, nothing major going on just part of what I have. It’s not fun and can get a little scary but once it eased and some sleep I woke up a the same person as any other day. 
I was determined not to let it put a downer on things so when I woke up feeling much better my husband and I went to PT. Boxing is one of my favourite exercises and I knew if it got hard I could stop. I handled the session well so thought I would see how the day progressed.
I was feeling good so decided to attempt the final push and I am so glad I did. 37kms later my largest ride and a session that will stay with me forever. I did it. 301kms in 31 days. Thank you to all that supported and encouraged me throughout this journey. 

Day 29

Getting so close to doubling my goal Kms. 31kms on the bike today plus a PT session of boxing which has become one of my favourite things to do.
When I started this I had no idea what my body would take. It’s amazing what good healthy food, fresh air, supportive team and strong mindset can do. 

Day 28

Today I hit a new km goal of 30kms on the bike. My muscles are feeling it a little today but my soul is full of joy and achievement. I never thought this could be possible.
A huge shout out to all that have sponsored and supported me so far. I couldn’t have done this without you 💕

Day 21

Physical exercise has always been part of my life but mostly through horses. I haven’t really set myself such a personal physical challenge like this before and I am so pleased I did. I am loving it.  I am enjoying things I never thought I would like rowing on a water rowing and riding a bike. Sometimes it’s just about taking that first step 😊 
Now to another part of my journey……. Have I been shocked, yes just the once and it saved my life.
I was riding a horse at the time for work and I went into VT. It was within the first 12 months of having my ICD implanted so I didn’t know what to expect. Some say it’s like being kicked by horse to that I say no way, you get kicked hard enough it hurts like a bugger. The defib shock shocks you more than anything, for my it was like the strongest electric fence shock that ran through my body and felt like the flash with lightning coming out my fingers and toes. Not something I want to do again but man it saved my just like a superhero. I didn’t black out but was on my way. 
So me being me a slide off the horse thanking my lucky stars I didn’t shock the horse to and sat on the ground both laughing and crying at what had just happened. There is no way to prepare you for how you will feel. My work mate ran over realising what would happen and he was a good calm support and off to hospital we went. One lesson I did learn is just call the ambulance. You never know if what’s just happened will happen again and they are trained to assist. 

Day 20

Each week I am getting stronger and im able to do things I thought possible, like riding a bike 17kms. The first ride was hard but I have just chipped away at it.
So time to share another experience and this one could be a highlight of my journey so far. Keeping in mind I can have blonde moments from time to time. 
When I got my defib implanted the Dr’s went through all the do’s and don’ts and what to expect. I thought it all sounded pretty good and at no stage did I think it was important to focus on the alarm within the device. Well maybe I should have taken more notice or asked more questions. Fast forward about 18months and I’m sitting at home and I hear this alarm go off, I’m like what’s that on the laptop?? Anyway it turns off and on I go about my day. Over the next 3 weeks yep 21 days, 21 alarms at 8am each day I go around the house saying to my husband what is that alarm going off. Each time he is like I don’t know I can’t hear it. In his defence he couldn’t because I became this crazy woman walking away from him to somewhere else around the house trying to work out what annoying electrical appliance has an alarm going off. 
It wasn’t until I was walking to my car one day, no where near anything electrical and it starts going off, I literally stop and go holy crap it’s me. Now at this point I guess most people panic. My thought process was it’s been going off 3 weeks so fingers crossed I’m okay for now. I was an hour from my cardiologist and it was too early to call so I drive into work. I call her receptionist on the way once they open and sheepishly ask could I be beeping. Yep it was me alright. Needless to say the device was alarming us it was malfunctioning and I had a warranty job done just like a car. 
Each device replace gets easier. The last one I was awake for.  

Day 10

I cannot thank everyone enough for all the amazing support and encouragement. Physical exercise in this format has been difficult at times for me. This year has thrown many challenges at me and each one has made me stronger to finally getting to this point.
When I was first diagnosed you hear all the things you can’t do, can’t do contact sports, can’t carry a back pack, can’t go through airport scanners, be careful of the device etc. out of all of this my two main concerns were;
Can I still ride horses, actually I think I told the Dr’s I will stop anything but please don’t take the horse riding off me and;
Can I still ride roller coasters lol. 
The horses I got across  the line and the roller coasters I got back across the line in 2015. 
So for me what I have hasn’t defined me ever, I think it made me a better person. Tougher and more resilient. 

Day 6

I tried a few different things the last five days and to my surprise riding a bike is pretty fun. Good for the legs and great for the soul. 
A fun fact about living with a ICD. Can you set the alarm off accidentally with a magnetic phone case. Yep you sure can. The alarm tells me to remove whatever magnetic thing I have near me. Whoops, I try to not set that off too often. Proper robot moment 😂

Day 3

I thought it would be good to share some of the ups and down’s of my heart journey so far.
My condition was misdiagnosed for three and a half years. As I was only 25 when symptoms started to show it was hard to see it was heart disease. The main symptom was shortness of breath something you can push through until you can’t. I think what I learnt from this is you know your body best. Listen to it and if the first answer doesn’t sound right then ask again. Your body gives you warnings and I will be forever greatful to my cardiologist for listening to them. 

I’ve taken on a challenge to Do it for Heart!

I was diagnosed with Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy at the age of 28 (2008) in which an ICD was implanted to help manage my disease. In 2009 I suffered a cardiac arrest and this tiny little device saved my life. Something I will be forever greatful for.

At the start of this year I had a few setbacks with my condition in which some scary options were presented. While going through some medication changes I had an unfortunate accident off a horse resulting in a crush injury,  having part of my quad muscle removed. 

Physical exercise has been my saviour. It’s reiterated how important heart health is for everyone. 

I’m passionate about saving Australian Hearts and I need your help to create change. That’s why I’m fundraising for the Heart Foundation – and I hope you’ll support me in this.

Heart disease remains Australia’s biggest killer, claiming 48 lives every day. Your donation will help the Heart Foundation to transform Australia’s heart health by:

  • Funding life-changing heart research

  • Supporting health professionals working to prevent, diagnose and treat heart disease

  • Providing heart-healthy programs and resources for everyday Australians.

Please help me and make a donation today, click the donate button. Every donation, big or small will help me get closer to my goal.

All donations over $2 are tax deductible and you’ll get a receipt by email as soon as you make your donation

Thank you so much for your support. Let’s do this 😊

Event Information

Wednesday 01st December

Thank you to my Sponsors


Guy Laurie



Barloo Pastoral

Go girl


Meg Slattery


Gary & Robyn


Louisa Briggs

You are a true inspiration in that no matter what life throws at you, you don’t let it hold you back. I wish i had half the strength and courage that you do.


Pauline Jones

Sending love & hugs 💕


R K Laurie


J Laurie


Mark Z

Not sure what happened, but it sounds like you've come out on the other side stronger, faster, better! Keep it up and I wish you all the best :)


Tracy Ralph

Bec, Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment, until it becomes a memory. I hope you look back upon this challenge and not only realise the huge change you have made in yourself but the the amount of inspiration your have spread.


Brett Lloyd


Greg & Nic

What a champ !



Great job Bec


Kerry Gray

Lots of love.


Rhiannon & Scott


Kim Horne

You are such a brave, strong and truly inspirational human Bec Laurie! If anyone I know sets a goal and kicks it out of the ballpark it’s you 💪 Everyone could learn from you how to tackle fear, overcome it and live life to their fullest 🥰❤️


Toni & Steven

Great work Bec!


K Waddell

Go girl! 💪


Bec S

Great job Bec


Matt Doyle

Good onya Bec






Louise Everitt

Keep up your awesome commitment

